MANNERISM 1520 - 1610 

The Mannerism defines the transitional period between Renaissance and Baroque. This style is characterized by the exagerated, tension-creating use of dramatic elements in the composition of pictures, in the movement of figures and in architectonic stylistic devices, too. The Renaissance was striving for harmonious equilibration, calm and balance in visual arts as well as in the field of architecture. Mannerist art breaks with this tradition; so, for instance, the "Figura Serpentinata"[1] is considered as an invention of Mannerism. The "Figura Serpentinata" is a female figure represented in a spiral pose, expressing power and tension in movement. In the field of painting and drawing are expressed exagerated and distorted proportions, the correctness in the use of perspectives is pushed into the background; the depicted figures are represented in dynamic, strongly distorted poses.[2] The motifs get increasingly erotic. Thanks to the new printing techniques, such as copper engraving and woodcut,[3] the workpieces were easy to be transported and thus were fast and widely spread within Europe.

12-35-Merkur und Herse Caraglio-Vorsch 12-36-Satyr enthuellt Nymphe Aachen-Vorsch     leer-1 leer-1 leer-1  leer-1