Female representation
Approx. 600 BC
Free access to the rock carvings, Fossum, Sweden

3-10-Frauendarstellung Fossum

Rights (Photo / Work):
© Ingmar Möller, 2013 (www.asentr.eu)

List of sources:

    IIn several places in Sweden, rock carvings from the Bronze Age werde found. Figures, ships and other shapes were carved into the flat and hard rock.[1] The interpretation of them is still difficult since there are no reritten documents to refer to. The carvings were painted in red color by archeologists in order to make them more visible for visitors. It is remarkable that the majority of carvings depict men[2] instead of women. According to assumptions, human at the time had an idea of both deities and afterlife[3]. In the picture, the female sex is represented as a round slice, which could also be a symbol for birth[4]. Other sources interpret it as an egg, which might have been a fertility symbol.

(Translation: C. Wilhelm)