DELPHOI Animated film, 2010 The animated film "Delphoi" tries to display the vitality and wisdom of the uterus in today's context. It was inspired by the 32.000 to 36.000 year old stone figurine, also known in German as the "Dancing Fanny vom Galgenberg", discovered in 1988 - by comparison the Venus of Willendorf dates back to about 25.000 to 29.500 years - and possible original meanings of the oldest female figurines. Dancing ova and wombs alternate with texts on the Oracle of Delphi, the shot of a gynecologist and the uterus' capacity to "see" in old age. The uterus becomes an actress, acrobat and dancer; she juggles her ova and uses her fallopian tubes like arms. Finally, she is satisfied with Renate Kordon's „Regelrechte Bilder", a series of watercolors, which emerged within two years during period.(Renate Kordon) 4'30", color, German, French, English; Vienna 2010 |
RENATE KORDON AT Renate Kordon is born in Graz; she studied architecture and graphics in Graz, Vienna and Paris (scholarship at the ENSAD). She received a scholarship at the Austrian Cultural Institute in Rome and was an artist-in-residency in Durham, Canada. She taught graphics at the LIT in Detroit and had a lectureship at the Animation Lab, University of Art and Design in Linz, Austria. She was a Research and Art Member of the Advisory Board for site-specific art at the Federal Ministry for Science, organized and curated exhibitions (with Stefan Stratil) at the ASIFAkeil, MQ, quartier21 in Vienna and is the founder of the TIMEshift Institute in Graz. She describes inner transformations with animated films, drawings and objects and transforms common baggage with the help of humor and ease. Renate Kordon lives in Vienna.Filmography animated films: Public Art: Bibliography: Regelrechte Bilder, Tanzplätze für Ariadne, Lifelines, in and out, Strange Movies, Now for Now, Drawings, Kordon Cartoon and others. |