Multiple orgasms occur when a woman has more than one orgasm. Basically, everyone can experience multiple orgasms, although it seems that elder and more experienced women are in the lead. [1]
According to the Kinsey-Reports, 14% of women regularly experience multiple orgasms. Likewise, 15 to 20 % of men between 15 and 30 years can climax several times in a short period, but after the 30th year of life this number declines. [2]
Variety of multiple orgasms
There are several ways to experience multiple orgasms, for example, with the help of tantric techniques the orgasmic intensity is lowered and the orgasm therefore extended. [3] Several climaxes can also be caused by an alternating stimulation of different orgasmic systems. [ORGASM] [3] [4]
Some distinguish the orgasmic and the plateau phase:
After reaching an orgasmic peak of pure pleasure, the entire genital area is extremely sensitive. Touch can be perceived as irritating or even painful. This is why women often need a short break after this type of climax.
The plateau phase is the period of sexual excitement over a longer time. Within this phase several climaxes can be experienced. [4] [5]
How to
There are several techniques in order to arouse multiple orgasms in a female sexual partner, for example, the A-Spot (vaginal hotspot between G-Spot and cervix) stimulation is supposed to cause multiple orgasms in every third woman. [POINTS OF INTEREST] Some recommend oral sex in combination with anal and vaginal stimulation by hand while others believe in the cowgirl position where the woman sits on top of the man. Additionally, a well-trained pubococcygeus muscle helps to increase the orgasmic potential. [4] [5] [6] [7]