
Sterilization is mostly an irreversible procedure to the female reproductive organs. By blocking the fallopian tubes [FALLOPIAN TUBE], a woman's eggs cannot meet sperm and become fertilised. [1]
The procedure includes blocking the fallopian tubes by cutting, cauterizing or applying titanium or plastic clamps. [2] A laparoscopy is the most common method of accessing the fallopian tubes since the procedure only requires small cuts to be made in the abdominal wall. [3] Sterilization can also be done transvaginally or in the course of a Caesarean delivery. [2] [4]
The transvaginal Essure method has been applied since 2012. In an in-office procedure, small, flexible inserts are placed into the fallopian tubes by a catheter passed from the vagina through the cervix and uterus. [2] [5]

Pearl Index*: 0.5 instead of 0.0 because the tubes hardly ever reopen again. [7] [6]

Costs in Austria: between 500 and 1000€ [6] and the minimum age is 25. [1]

* The Pearl Index (PI) is used as a statistical estimation of the number of unintended pregnancies in 100 woman-years of exposure. A PI of 85 or 90 corresponds to no birth control methods used. A lower Pearl index represents a lower chance of getting pregnant. The Pearl Index can change depending on studies and observations. [8]