
Anatomy and Function
The uterine neck (cervix or cervix uteri) is the lower part of the uterus and bulges into the top of the vagina. The opening into the vagina is called the external os. The cervix is approximately 3 cm long and encased by a mucous membrane. While sperm enters the uterus via the cervix, the child leaves it during natural birth. Under the influence of sex hormones during the menstrual cycle or pregnancy the consistency of the cervical mucus and the width of the cervix change. [1] [2] [NATURAL BIRTH CONTROL]

The area of the cervix, especially the external os, is liable to a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Under the influence of these germs, the tissue can change and cancer cells can develop. Potentially precancerous changes in the cervix can be detected by a Pap test, including a Pap smear (also called a cervical smear) which was developed by George Papanicolaou. [3] [4]

Other germs such as chlamydia or gonorrhoea can cause an inflammation of the cervix. In these instances, specific antibiotics help to halt the infection. [5]

Some women experience the contact with the cervix during intercourse as painful, for others it's a pleasure which can even provoke an orgasm. [6] [7] [UTERINE/CERVICAL ORGASM]